Sunday, August 23, 2009

My Lucky Day book by Keiko Kasza and Folkmanis Pig Puppets

We have matched a great children's book with the Folkmanis Pig stage puppet and the Folkmanis Fox stage puppet. "My Lucky Day" children's book by Keiko Kasza.

"When a delicious-looking piglet knocks on Mr. Fox's door, the fox can hardly believe his good luck. It's not every day that dinner just "shows up." It must be his lucky day--or is it? Full color."

The Pig knocks on the door and supposedly is looking for rabbit. When the Fox opens the door, the Pig is invited in. But the Fox is thinking dinner. The Fox thinks, oh My Lucky Day.

The Pig convinces the Fox to clean him and fatten him up, and do many other things that completely tires the Fox out. When the Fox is exhausted, the Pig runs off gleefully with all the dinner fixings that the Fox worked so hard to make to cook with the Pig. The Pig thinks, oh My Lucky Day.

At home, the Pig sits down to a nice dinner, and wonders who on his list he should visit for his next meal - by accident? The Bear?

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