Friday, July 15, 2011

Mini Bobcat Finger Puppet and Mini Prairie Dog Finger Puppets in Stock

We just got in two new Folkmanis Finger puppets:  the mini bobcat and the mini prairie dog.

Folkmanis Bob Cat Finger Puppet
The mini bobcat finger puppet was released in July 2011.  It is 4.5 inches tall, 3.5 inches wide, and 4 inches long (11.4 x 8.9 x 10.2 cm). It has tufts of hair on the top of the ears and green eyes. 
The mini prairie dog finger puppet was released in July 2011. It is about 4 inches tall, 4 inches long, and 2 inches wide.  The prairie dog puppet is positioned to stand up on his hind legs. It is all light brown.
Check out our complete list and status of the new puppets coming this summer and fall.

Folkmanis Praire Dog Finger Puppet

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Latest Status on New Folkmanis Puppets Summer 2011

The first of the newest puppets is in stock.  The pink Piggy puppet is much softer than the older standing pig.  She also has cute eyelashes. Here's the latest on the new puppets coming in July and August 2011.

We have a list of new Folkmanis Puppets coming starting in June:

Baboon - early August

Bear in a Tree Stump (yes, a hand puppet) - early August

Bison - mid August

Bow Tie Penguin - early August

Brown Puppy Dog - early August

Cheetah - mid August

Donkey Stage puppet - early August

Guinea Pig - mid August

Opossum - mid August

Piggy - In Stock

Portuguese Water Dog - mid August

Two Handed Bear - early August

Tomcat - September

Bobcat finger puppet - In Stock!
Cardinal finger puppet - early August

Grizzly Bear finger puppet in sitting position - late August

Pika finger puppet - late August

Prairie Dog finger puppet - In Stock!
Robin finger puppet - early August

Friday, July 1, 2011

New Folkmanis Piggy Puppet in Stock

Folkmanis Piggy Puppet
The new Folkmanis piggy puppet just arrived. It is very cute with delicate eyelashes and moveable mouth and two arms. This pig puppet is in a sitting postion and its short legs can hang over a table or shelf.  11 inches tall. Move new puppets are due in July!